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  • Writer's pictureBill Schwartz

Psalm 93

Psalm 93:1 Jehovah reigns, He is robed in majesty; Jehovah is robed in majesty and armed with strength; indeed, the world is established, firm and secure. 2 Your throne was established long ago; you are from all eternity. 3 The seas have lifted up, Lord, the seas have lifted up their voice; the seas have lifted up their pounding waves. 4 Mightier than the thunder of the great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea— Jehovah on high is mighty. 5 Your statutes, Lord, stand firm; holiness adorns your house for endless days. This psalm, written by Moses, “though short, is sweet and full of Jesus; and celebrates the person, glory, and majesty of Christ and His Kingdom.” (Robert Hawker) Moses knew nothing of earthly kings of Israel. He only knew of the blessed theocracy of Israel with Messiah as the King eternal. He would take the throne at His Coming in glory for salvation of Israel. “Jehovah reigns’- The King Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the true Jehovah.” (John Gill) “Christ shall reign, rage the wicked never so, for He is Jehovah, the Eternal” (John Trapp) Reigns— “Better, has become King [with a prophetic eye]: the usual term for ascending the throne (2 Samuel 15:10; 1 Kings 1:11; 13; 2 Kings 9:13); used in Isaiah of the re-establishment of the State after the Captivity (Isaiah 24:23; Isaiah 52:7); and by the latest of Israel’s poets, in that prophetic strain which looks beyond time and this world (Revelation 19:6)... ’He is robed in majesty and armed with strength.’ The robing and girding with the sword were part of the ceremony of inauguration of a monarch’s reign… These clauses run better: ‘majesty He has put on… with strength has girded Himself.’ For the same representation of Jehovah as a warrior arranging Himself for battle, cp Isaiah 59:17; 63:1.” (C. J. Ellicott)— His strength is “manifest in the destruction of antichrist, and in the ruin of all the antichristian states, which will make way for His spiritual reign; and especially this will be seen, at His personal coming, by raising the dead in Christ, causing the heavens and earth to pass away, and making new ones; and binding Satan for a thousand years, that He may give no disturbance to His subjects during that time: ‘indeed, the world is established, firm and secure,’ that is, "the world to come.” (John Gill) “‘You are from all eternity.’ The author of Hebrews listed the credentials of the King of Kings, namely Jesus Christ; and, of course, those credentials are the same as those of the ‘reigning Jehovah’ in this passage... King by right of eternal existence...(Heb 1:8)" etc. (Coffman) “‘The seas,’— the enemies of Your kingdom, who are oft compared to floods for their numbers, force, rage, etc. See Isaiah 8:7,8 17:12,13 Jer 46:7,8...— ‘have lifted up their voice; the seas have lifted up their pounding waves.’ have both by their words and actions made opposition...” (Poole) But Jesus is “‘mightier than the thunder of the great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea.’ The King of heaven is too strong for all earthly potentates, and will subdue them under his feet.” (Poole) "Even the most powerful empires can prevail nothing against Him.” (Clarke) “He who at first set bounds to the proud ocean; who drove back the waters of the deluge to their ancient channel; who divided the Red Sea and Jordan for His people to pass through; who walked on the waves of the sea, and rebuked the winds and waves, saying, ‘Peace, be still,’ and there was a great calm: even He is higher and more powerful than all the floods of ungodly men, who rage against Him and His people; as well as mightier than the noise of many waters." (Thomas Scott) “‘“‘Your testimonies are very sure’- i:e., Thy promises to Thy people in Thy Word are surely to be depended upon.” (Jamieson, Fausset, Brown) “‘Very sure’ is the same as ‘the sure mercies of David’ (Isa. 55:3; cp. v. 1 above). They ‘stand firm.’ ‘Holiness adorns your house, 0 Lord.’ Better ‘becomes (i.e., befits: RSV; adorns: NIV) Your house, O Lord.’ Thus Isa. 6:3 is brought to fruition. When the Lord truly reigns (v. 1), then all will be holiness to Him (v. 5; Zech. 14:20,21; cp. Psa. 97:12; 99:9). But it is also true that, even now, God’s spiritual House is — or should be — holy (1 Cor. 3:17). 'For endless days'— forever. Consider Psa. 21:4; 23:6; 91:16.” (Chrsitodelphian Commentary) 

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