Bill Schwartz

I am a Christian, but I also have a Jewish lineage. When I discovered Jesus, the missing Bread in my life, I didn’t cease being Jewish, but instead I found Yahweh God of my fathers—the God of Scriptures. By the faith of my parents, I was raised in the Episcopal Church, baptized as an infant, and confirmed at the appropriate age. We rarely missed church. I enjoyed Sunday school, served as an acolyte, and helped out in various ways. I was a good child and had love in my heart. Yet for some reason, I never attended church while in college. The only spiritual thing that I remember from college was going to sleep one night in 1981 and dreaming that I was floating through space. And then, a baseball bat hit me. It didn’t hurt, but a voice spoke to me and said "Bill". I knew immediately that it was God; and I replied "Yes!", but He didn’t answer. I can remember going to sleep many nights longing to get my response and find out what God wanted.
Yahweh God called out my name in the dream in college. But fourteen years later that He called me to trust in Jesus. A college friend gave me tapes that the Holy Spirit used to prick my heart and quickened my faith in the Word of God. At the time, the idea of seeking the Lord Jesus and searching the Scriptures for Him was foreign to me. Beforehand, I had no concept of salvation by works, much less by grace. Yet, I began to study the Bible with my friend at my next door neighbor’s house. When I finally believed in Jesus in my heart, I knew that God exists and that His Word is Truth. He made me a disciple!! I love Him, because He first loved me!!!
The Spirit of God led me to be baptized in His name. And upon obedience, joy and peace immediately filled my heart. I have had a new song ever since: "But now, thus says Yahweh, who created you, O Jacob, and He who formed you, O Israel: 'Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you. For I am Yahweh your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.'" ( Isaiah 43:13)
This is my call- to build my ark for other to behold, leaving the windows open. I'm not a seminary-schooled theologian. That is evident. In fact, I've never taken even one Bible course. But I have come to believe that Jesus is both God and Savior of the world, that Blessed Seed of the woman from Genesis – our Book of Beginnings. Therefore, I am a part of that blessed royal priesthood (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) And on my own schedule and time- mostly in the mornings, I have studied the Bible with great minds of the past and present, gleaning from many commentaries and books. Here are my findings- my morning manna, which sustains me... and might, perhaps, refresh you.
“A certain man placed a fountain by the wayside, and he hung up a cup near to it by a little chain. He was told some time after that a great art-critic had found much fault with its design.
‘But,’ said he, ‘do many thirsty persons drink at it?’ Then they told him that thousands of poor people, men, women, and children, slaked their thirst at this fountain; and he smiled and said, that he was little troubled by the critic's observation, only he hoped that on some sultry summer's day the critic himself might fill the cup, and be refreshed, and praise the name of the Lord. Here is my fountain, and here is my cup: find fault if you please; but do drink of the water of life. I only care for this. I had rather bless the soul of the poorest crossing-sweeper, or rag-gatherer, than please a prince of the blood, and fail to convert him to God.” (All Of Grace by C. H. Spurgeon)
These quotes summarize what I'm about- answering for myself: Firstly, "In the gospel, every man is Christ's disciple, and a person for himself, to defend Christ's doctrine in his own person. The faith of the bishop will not help me, nor is the bishop's keeping the law sufficient for me. But I must believe in Christ for the remission of all sin, for mine ownself, and in mine own person. Nor more is the bishop's or the preacher's defending God's word enough for me. But I must defend it in mine own person, and jeopard life and all thereon, when I see need and occasion.” (William Tyndale, on Matthew V)
And secondly“... I want to know one thing,—the way to heaven; how to land safe on that happy shore. God himself has condescended to teach me the way. For this very end He came from heaven. He hath written it down in a book. O give me that book! At any price, give me the book of God! I have it: here is knowledge enough for me. Let me be homo unius libri. Here then I am, far from the busy ways of men. I sit down alone; only God is here. In His presence I open, I read His book; for this end, to find the way to heaven. Is there a doubt concerning the meaning of what I read? Does anything appear dark or intricate? I lift up my heart to the Father of Lights: Lord, is it not Thy word, ‘if any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God?’ Thou givest liberally, and upbraidest not. Thou hast said, ‘if any be willing to do Thy will, he shall know.’ I am willing to do, let me know Thy will.--> I then search after and consider parallel passages of Scripture, 'comparing spiritual things with spiritual.' I meditate thereon with all the attention and earnestness of which my mind is capable. If any doubt still remains, I consult those who are experienced in the things of God: and then the writings whereby, being dead, they yet speak. And what I thus learn, that I teach.” ["A Man of One Book" by John Wesley]
Together in Jesus, Bill